Find All Policies in Use in Your AWS

14 Aug 2024 - rich

I was asked to compile a list of custom (non-AWS Managed) policies in our AWS account.
The idea is to collect a list of all the policies then analyze the permissions in order to determine what users have which permissions. This was work performed as a precursor to several security audits we had to participate in.

Find All Policies in Use in my AWS Account

notes about policies

First want to mention that there are policies associated with roles. At some point I will need to address this but this environment does not have m/any role based policies

types of policies

Of interest to me now are

There are

Managed Policies

are either AWS managed policies or customer managed policies

list_policies will list all managed policies that are available in your aws account including customer-defined managed policies and all AWS managed policies

You can filter the list of policies using the optional OnlyAttached scope and PathPrefix parameters. For my purposes I only want OnlyAttached

Inline Policies

For inline policies you need to retrieve the different types separately…

So, for Users, you would use list_user_policies

And for Groups, you would use list_group_policies